What does it mean to be successful?
Mindfulness. The more I've thought about this, the more I think success is rooted in mindfulness. Being in that moment, giving that moment your full attention, and appreciating (or at least acknowledging) the moment for what it is. I drive to work every day and spend about an hour in the car. I drive home, and spend another hour in the car. During this morning hour and afternoon hour, I multitask. Sometimes I listen to audio books. Sometimes I listen to music. Other times I have an active mind and find that the time is productively spent brainstorming and capturing ideas. But I'm also driving. I'm also interacting with other drivers. And this is where I ran into a problem this morning, when I was thinking about the situation. I enjoy driving. I like my car. I take care of my car. My car brings me joy. But I don't appreciate it when I'm in the midst of the experience of driving, many times. I'm driving because I need to get some place - often in ...