
What happens to us molds us. The actions we choose to take in response to situations that arise are the actions by which we learn and grow. However, through all this we need to remember that we're individuals in charge of our own destinies. There is a difference between being an active participant in the process or just letting the waves push us around like jellyfish. Being impressionable means being easily influenced because of a lack of critical ability. If we are to be the ones in charge of deciding how we will react to situations and how we will let things affect us, we need to have the critical ability to determine whether we want to be impacted by external forces. This could be people, environments, or external stimuli (think commercials and little kids). We need to build the ability to be critical. To know that there is a significant amount of external stimuli to have to get through, and what we choose to do with it ultimately becomes the level to which we are active participants in the process.


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